
Monday 8 April 2013

2nd Carrera Popular de Quasimodo

Immediately following the "Fun Run" event (post below), the more serious competitors were preparing for an 8.7 kilometre (5.4 miles) circuit of Olvera.
Warming up.
Club de Atletismo, Olvera who were well supported in the race, both in members participating and also by enthusiastic support from the onlookers. 

My apologies if a lot of the pictures show athletes in the blue shirts of the Olvera Athletic Club but you have to support your local team and show where your loyalties lie.

The eventual winner of the race is the first athlete to appear at just over the half way point.

The athletes acknowledging and appreciating the support they are receiving from the crowd.

Our friend Jim, a member of the Olvera club, still going strong.

Returning to the finish line after a hard race.

A lot of visual and vocal support for Vilchez here and below.

Sprinting to the finish line, this poor guy lost his footing and took a tumble but to great applause got up and carried on running.

The winner of the race and pictured below other winners and runners up in the many different categories.

   As with the previous event, well done to all who participated in a great event and to the organisers who made it possible, including of course the local police and the volunteers from the "Protección Civil", without whose involvement events like this wouldn't be possible. Well done to all.

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