
Friday 1 March 2013

Winter wonderland

Typically, as soon as an apology is issued for no recent blog posts and in anticipation of a long delay in the return of our internet connection, what happens.....we are re-connected within two hours!!. So with normal service resumed we are able to bring some unique pictures of the 10cms of snow that fell on Andalucia Day (February 28th) showing the beautiful countryside around us in a completely different light.
It was quite a sight as Anne called me up to the terrace early in the morning, not quite believing her eyes. Our friend and builder Antonio said later that he hadn't seen this much snow in Olvera in over  fifteen years or more.
The view down Calle Salada.

The early rising sun just catching the hills in the valley's to the west.

"You have got to be kidding me. I'm not walking on that stuff". A reluctant Calcetines.

Within a couple of hours the thaw had begun. Not before a few snowball fights though.
Our neighbours lovely daughter and friend, excited and happy to collect any remaining snow in a plastic bag to have some fun with.

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