
Saturday 9 February 2013


 The pueblo of Guaro is just 3 kms north of Monda so not too much out of our way and we were also feeling a little bit peckish. Again, we parked on the edge of the old part of town and just went for a wander.
The impressive "Casa Cultural Al-Andalus".

The Ayuntamiento.

We sat and had delicious tapas. For me, carne con salsa and tortilla and baguettes of cheese, tomato and serrano ham for Anne. Must say though that it got a bit chilly in the shade. 

 More evidence of a well cared for pueblo that will be a delight in summer. 

  The 16th century "Iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel".


 Again, a very clean, pleasant village although on this visit we clearly didn't do it justice. All the more reason to return another day.

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