
Thursday 13 December 2012

Views from the "Peñóns"

 A beautiful, sunny morning with the temperature at about 11°C.
I stopped off at the "Peñón del Cerretillo", the park area entered from Calle Victoria that offers great views, like this looking to the east of Olvera. 

 The view north from the park towards Pruna.

 Looking down Calle Fuente Nueva.
 The fountain in the Plaza de la Concordia from where I headed to the Plaza de Andalucia below.

The "Peñón del Sagrado Corazón", the entrance to which is in the Plaza, offers some of the best views over the town and further afield. Here and below looking to the southwest.

 East across Olvera.
 The "Monumento del Sagrado Corazón" that dominates the park, ready to bring in the New Year.

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