
Saturday 15 December 2012

Christmas Market

A very wet and windy morning as we headed, more in hope than expectation that it would still be as scheduled, to the Christmas Market at the Al Lago restaurant in the nearby pueblo of Zahara de la Sierra.
 A misty view towards Zahara from the reservoir dam.

We arrived at Al Lago and feared the worst, seeing not unexpectedly in the weather conditions, no stalls. 
However, stepping inside we found a busy room with a dozen or so tables and a varied selection of items on sale.
We couldn't resist buying a couple of beautiful handmade leather items from the stall of Fernando Garcia who has a shop "La Tienda Chica" in Grazalema. 

 Honey scented candles.

 Homemade quiche and other goodies.
 A busy morning's shopping deserved a coffee break in the restaurant.
  Wrapped up for the weather and below a hint of a rainbow over the reservoir.

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