
Friday 26 October 2012

Rain and more rain

 It seems that we are into the rainy season with steady and sometimes quite heavy rain over the last thirty six hours or so.
 As I write this post it's pouring down outside, thundering overhead and the forecast is for much of the same over the next couple of days. Very welcome though for the forthcoming olive harvest and agriculture in general after a very dry summer. 

 The view of a wet Avenida Julián Besteiro and below the Plaza de la Concordia.

 Looking south towards a cloud covered Sierra de Grazalema here and below.

 Vereda Ancha.

 The castle just visible from Calle Calvario.

 Householders and offices take full advantage of the downpour to water their plants.
 Calle Llana and below the Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

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