
Sunday 26 August 2012

El Coronil re-visited

A drive out this morning on a rather circular route , discovering different roads, to the pueblo of El Coronil, last visited on a cold December morning in 2008.
A new project since my last visit is this large solar power facility, seen just before entering the pueblo from the Moron de la Frontera direction. 
 Parking easily, I walked the short distance to a central plaza for a coffee, sitting for a while in the pleasant sunshine.

A decorative street light.

 The Ayuntamiento.
The Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Consolación, originally built in the 15th century but restored several times since.
What looks to be an old fortification is now just a courtyard.

A statue set on the edge of town dedicated to the workers of the pueblo.
 About 3.5kms from El Coronil is the "Castillo de las Aguzaderas", dating back to Moorish times and built to protect a valuable water source. More pictures here from a previous visit.

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