
Tuesday 7 August 2012

August events

 Another full month of events has just been published by the Ayuntamiento that may be of interest to residents and visitors alike.  
A rough translation of events follows but as always, please refer to the Ayuntamiento website here for confirmation of dates and times. As follows:

Tuesday 7th August at 21.30 hrs. A puppet show in the Parque Entrecaminos.
Wednesday 8th August at 18.00 hrs. A volleyball tournament at the Indoor Sports Pavilion.
Wednesday 8th August commencing at 21.30 hrs. A procession by the "Banda La Pirata" starting from the Parque Entrecaminos and then proceeding on a tour of the bars in Olvera.
Thursday 9th August at 22.00 hrs. A performance by the group "Chocolata" on Vereda Ancha.
Friday 10th August at 22.00 hrs. A performance by the group "Debarro" on Vereda Ancha".
Saturday 11th August at 11.00 hrs. Basketball trophy presentation at the Indoor Sports Pavilion.
Saturday 11th August at 12.00 hrs. A performance by "El Carromato" on the streets of Mercado and Llana.
Saturday 11th August at 21.30 hrs. Dancing in the Plaza de Andalucía.
Monday 13th August at 20.00 hrs. A basketball display at the Indoor Sports Pavilion.
Monday 13th August at 22.30 hrs. A short film "The Hammock" being shown in the car park area near to the Municipal Swimming Pool.
Tuesday 14th August at 22.30 hrs. A showing of the short film "The Hammock" in the car park area near to the Municipal Swimming Pool.
Wednesday 15th August at 21.00 hrs. A procession by the Band of Olvera from the Plaza del Ayuntamiento then Calles Llana, Victoria, Calvario, Julián Besteiro and ending at the Plaza del Emigrante where music and dancing continues throughout the evening with a performance by Flamenco pop group "El Perlana" at 23.30 hrs.
Saturday 18th August at 20.00 hrs. Football trophy presentation at the Indoor Sports Pavilion. 
Tuesday 21st August at 10.00 hrs. Swimming championships at the Municipal Swimming Pool.
Thursday 23rd August at 22.00 hrs. A gala of sport at the Municipal Pavilion on the fairground.
Friday 24th August at 23.00 hrs. A concert by "Nolasco" at the Municipal Pavilion on the fairground.
Saturday 25th August at 10.00 hrs. "Gran tirada al Plato en Olvera". I must admit I have no idea what this event is so any enlightenment would be most welcome.
Saturday 25th August at 22.00 hrs. A performance by the School af Art and Flamenco of Latin dancing with music by the band " La Cubanisima". 

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