
Sunday 1 July 2012

Street Art

 As the series of fantastic June events in Olvera comes to an end, yesterday we spent the afternoon trying to locate as many artists as we could who were taking part in a painting competition at various locations around the town.
We came upon our friend Les here and a few others below painting in the "Barrio de la Villa", the old part of town.

 The Plaza de la Iglesia was also a popular place to be.

 We headed down town and found this lady from Torremolinos painting a scene from outside the Health Centre.

 All artists were required to submit their paintings for judging at the Fairground Pavilion between 4 and 5pm where we went to view the entries. 
 We counted 42 paintings and clearly we had failed miserably in locating quite a few of the artists. However, looking at the excellent paintings, it was clear that many were painted at locations just outside of town.
 We had our own favourites amongst some beautiful artwork but we didn't stay for the results of the judges. Postscript: The winning paintings can be viewed on the link here and can also be seen on the blog of "Paez de Pruna" who I believe was prominent in organizing the event.

Here is a link to a slideshow of all the completed entries in the competition. Enjoy looking at the great talent and range of styles that contributed to a brilliant event that hopefully will be repeated next year.

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