
Sunday 24 June 2012

Sunday in the square

 It has to be about 35°C or more so to escape the sauna in our house, we walked the short distance this lunchtime to the Plaza del Ayuntamiento and the shade of Bar Pepe Rayas.
 With Spain doing so well, clearly the best team in the Euro 2012 championships, a lot of bars have set up an area for an outdoor TV. We shall be booking our spot for the final on Sunday, 1st July.

 To be honest, it wasn't much cooler outside of the house.
 Inside view of the bar.

 A nice spanish chap who we didn't know came to the bar and for no reason gave us a bag of delicious Victoria plums from his campo. He wouldn't take any payment, saying it was a present, so we bought him a beer as thanks. In return, he bought me a beer and Anne a coke. You just can't win. Lovely, lovely people.

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