
Monday 18 June 2012

A stroll in the shadows.......

 ......along near deserted streets on a walk this afternoon, trying to keep as cool as we could in whatever shade we could find. Here, on Calle Tafetanes.
 The majestic Iglesia Parroquial de Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación seen from Calle Carmona.

 Part of Calle Cervantes leading to the "plaza with no name" where the old post office used to be.

 Heading up Calle Cantillos, keeping to the left.

 The flags are displayed to support Spain in the European Football Championships currently taking place in Poland and Ukraine.

Calle Peñon.

 Looking up Calle Jesús and below Calle Zorrilla.

 The "Arco de Zorrilla" leading to the Plaza de Andalucia below.

 Calle Llana here and below.

 Nearly home now, passing by the Ayuntamiento.
Calle Azuaga.

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