
Tuesday 29 May 2012

Ruta de los Molinos

A trip out this morning with friend Dan to walk one of the routes in the excellent "300 Walks in Cadiz" guide, a link to which can be found in the right hand column of our blog.
 We chose the "Ruta de los Molinos" (Route of the Mills) near to the pueblo of Setenil de las Bodegas primarily because on paper it looked reasonably flat and also the distance wasn't too great for a couple of old codgers. Here, looking down upon the old olive oil mill at the start of the walk. 
The Alcalá stream, a tributary of the Guadalporcum river, is a constant companion along the route. 

A cave house typical of this area.

 Wild figs....not quite ripe yet.

It was lovely just to stroll along with only the birdsong and the rhythm of the stream breaking the silence, even lovelier to come across fields of gorgeous poppies.

 We think this was one of the old cereal mills along the route, now being converted into a home.
 One of several waterfalls along the route.

 Several frogs were taking advantage of the warm weather on a sandbank in the middle of the stream. The walk had been as described on the website, flat, picturesque and very pleasant for a leisurely stroll. What at the start though had been a warm day was getting very much warmer as we returned to the car and headed into nearby Setenil for a cool drink. 

 Looking back at Setenil.

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