
Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Romería celebrations

The Ayuntamiento have issued a schedule of events leading up to the traditional Romería del "Lunes de Quasimodo" to be held on Monday16th April. The event celebrates the day in 1715 when after a terrible and prolonged drought brought disaster to agriculture and livestock in the area and following prayers and other religious ceremonies to the town patron, the "Virgen de los Remedios", the rains fell. Ever since, on the second Monday after Easter Sunday, the people of Olvera have given thanks by taking part in a pilgrimage to the Santuario Nuestra Señora de los Remedios and the surrounding area to celebrate the event with dancing, music and fun.
The schedule is as follows but as always please refer to the Ayuntamiento website here for accuracy of translation and interpretation or possible changes:

Friday 13th April at 23.00hrs in the Fairground Pavilion. Music from the group "La Frac de Cadiz" and DJ's Victor Fernández and Fran Jimenez.
Saturday 14th April at 13.00hrs in the Fairground Pavilion. Free Paella for all.
At 15.00hrs in the same location,  performances of Rock and Reggae music and a chirigota singing group from Cadiz "Los Hinchapelotas". Also, performances from DJ's Victor Fernández and Fran Jimenez.
Sunday April 15th from 10.00hrs onwards, clay pigeon shooting at the "Campo Pueblo Blanco" campsite just outside of Olvera. 
At 11.00hrs, the XXVII "Cross de Quasimodo" departs from the Santuario de los Remedios.
Also at 11.00hrs, the first Quasimodo Fun Run starts from the Residential Nursing home near to the trading estate on an 8700 metre route around Olvera and the Santuario de los Remedios. The full route can be seen on the "Club Atletismo Olvera" blog under the heading "Recorrido".
At 1300hrs, a procession of horses will depart from the swimming pool and deliver flowers in honour of the town patron to the Santuario de los Remedios.
Afterwards, at approximately 14.00hrs, the horse racing competition will begin in the grounds near to the Sanctuary.
Monday 16th April at 10.00hrs. A procession of decorated floats will depart from Calle Mercado through the streets of Olvera to the area near to the Santuario de los Remedios. Much fun and dancing is guaranteed.

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