
Thursday 5 April 2012

Procesión Jesús Nazareno y Nuestra Señora de los Dolores

The procession that had started out this morning at 6am from the Iglesia Mayor Parroquial was five hours into its journey through the streets of Olvera when we caught up with it on Calle Victoria.
A large crowd had gathered along Calle Llana and at the Plaza de Andalucia where we took up position to watch it pass.

Preceded by the purple tunics of the Nazarenos, the first beautifully decorated paso to appear was that of Jesús Nazareno supported by sixty-eight costaleros.

The "Banda Santa Ana de Olvera" followed the paso.

The second paso in the procession was that of the Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, appearing a short time later.

 A thoroughly deserved rest break is called every 20 metres or so before the costaleros carry on with their back breaking journey.

 Following the paso and bringing up the rear of the procession was the "Banda Música Virgen de los Remedios" from Estepona.

We followed the procession until it turned into the finish point in Calle Pico.

 Once again, a remarkable display of dedication and devotion by all involved and fantastic and appreciative support given by the people of Olvera.

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