
Saturday, 7 April 2012

Procesión del Santo Entierro

Last night we watched the final event of Holy Week, the "Procesión del Santo Entierro" (Holy Burial). We arrived at just after 7pm to see the "Banda de Cornetas y Tambores Humildad y Pasión" from Baeza-Cazorla in Jaen province, about 300kms to the northeast of Olvera, marching up the steps of Calle Calzada to the Iglesia Mayor.

The weather looked more promising than yesterday although there was still a threat of rain in the air.

First to appear were the Nazarenos.

Age is no barrier. This lovely little girl was happily getting involved, dancing to the music of the trumpets and drums.

The first paso in the procession was that carrying the image of the body of Christ.

As the solemn procession passed through the Plaza, several light showers fell and a rainbow appeared over the town.

The ladies in mourning, dressed in traditional suits known as "La Mantilla," solemnly followed the paso.

Stunning lace mantles.

The second paso portrayed the image of the grieving Virgin Mother.

 We watched them leave the Plaza on their journey around Olvera before we headed home to return later in the evening.
 The "Banda de Música de Olvera" brought up the rear.

At just after 10pm, the Nazarenos led the returning procession up the steps of Calle Calzada to the Iglesia Mayor. 

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