
Sunday 15 April 2012

Olvera a Caballo

After watching the Quasimodo Race, we headed to the swimming pool to see the procession of horse riders parade out to the Santuario de los Remedios, taking flowers in honour of the towns patron, the "Virgen de los Remedios".

Our friend Leo and his trusty steed.

There were some beautiful horses on show with immaculately dressed riders.

Our friend Cristobal, on duty with the Protección Civil, takes a minute to say hello.
After a short while, the procession was led off by a drum and pipe band.

The volunteers of the Proteccion Civil, without whose work I'm sure a lot of these events would not be able to take place, followed up the rear of the parade.
We followed the parade to the Plaza de la Concordia before we headed home.

A short video of part of the procession below.

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