
Sunday 1 April 2012

IV Feria Turística del Queso Artesanal

It's just crazy. When we last visited Villaluenga del Rosario, we proclaimed its beauty and described it as a place we would like to live. Incredibly, that was over four years ago and until today we had not returned. So this morning, despite the threat of rain, we headed back to visit the 4th Annual Cheese Fair. (a map of our route here)

The small pueblo visible left of picture is set in a beautiful location in a steep sided valley. 

There are some lovely old houses here.

Low cloud in the valley.

We followed the signs until we came to a large marquee on the edge of the village. Despite the rain that was now falling quite heavily, the venue was very busy with more people arriving all the time.

The Payoyo stall, a cheesemaker from Villaluenga, was proving very popular.

There were many different cheesemakers from all over Andalucia displaying their produce and giving away samples. We bought some delicious cheeses from this couple from El Pedroso, north of Seville on the Corsevilla stall.

Even on a dull day with rain and cloud, it's a fabulous location.

The Ayuntamiento.

Anne and I both agreed that our original statement made over four years ago had not changed. Much as we love Olvera, Villaluenga del Rosario has a "great feel" to it and is still a place we would love to live. As we said day!.
After a very pleasant few hours we headed home. passing close to the pueblo of Zahara de la Sierra above.

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