
Friday 13 April 2012

Eleven degrees.......

......and slightly overcast but blue skies were trying to break through as we walked to the Mercadona supermarket this morning. Here looking down Calle Pilar.
Clouds over Vereda Ancha.

Sometimes Mercadona seems to be our second home but I needed some ingredients for a recipe tonight that I didn't think I could get in our local shop.
Calle Los Angeles that leads down to the Recinta Ferial (Fairground) pictured below where a lot of activity is taking place in preparation for the forthcoming "Romeria" weekend.

The views here and below to the south.


Looking here and below along Avenida Julián Besteiro.

The Plaza del Emigrante.

A garden shrub with a beautiful yellow flowers on Julián Besteiro.

Orange blossom is starting to appear on the tree's and the aroma is delicious.

The Plaza de la Concordia here and below.

Finally, near to home we stopped for a while in the Plaza de Andalucia.

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