
Sunday 22 April 2012

Along the back roads

While Anne was busy around the house this morning, I took the opportunity on one of the first sunny mornings that we've had for a while to go looking for poppies.
 I drove east in the direction of Teba, intending to skirt around the village and take a minor road to Cañete la  Real. Here looking at the historic pueblo of Teba with "El Castillo de Estrella", the Castle of the Stars that dominates the pueblo.
Just outside of Teba, I turned onto the unmarked road to Cañete. The verges were ablaze with colour and birds feeding on the abundance of insects.

 Teba from a distance.
After a short while I came to the pueblo of Cañete la Real.
 Again, I skirted the village but not before passing this rocky outcrop, atop of which sat a colony of vultures.

 Looking down upon the village of Almargen which at 30kms distance is the nearest mainline railway station to Olvera. 
 I rejoined the main A-384 road, turning off just before Campillos onto another minor road in the direction of El Saucejo. Once again, the verges were a mass of colour.

 This road winds  its way through a large area of wind turbines, all of which were working today.

  A very pleasant few hours out and a promise of more poppy pics in the weeks to come.  

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