
Wednesday 14 March 2012

The temperature...... definitely rising. It must have been in the mid twenties as we popped into the indoor market on Calle Mercado this morning.
Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables on offer.

Leaving the market, we headed up Calle Mercado to the library to drop a book off.

A familiar view over the gardens and play area.

Anne, pretty in pink.
After an hour or so, we returned home to sit on the terrace. So just a few pictures of the beautiful views around us.

At midday, the temperature had risen to 35°C and the best way to cope is just to chill out and do as little as demonstrated here by Calcetines.
Not much breeze today.
As a postscript, at 2.30pm the temperature on the terrace had risen further to 44°C.

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