
Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Flamenco in the Plaza

After the ceremony in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, we walked to the Plaza de Andalucia where the celebrations were to continue with flamenco music and the eating of traditional chorizada - chorrizo and bread.
We were lucky enough to be able to sit at a table at Bar Mi Pueblo and watch the preparations of the Cuadro Flamenco group as they warmed up before their performance.

It wasn't too long when, after a change of clothes, the group returned to the stage. The singer Laura Román, accompanied by the guitar of Silvio starting proceedings with a rendition of typical flamenco music.

Laura Román.
After a few intense and passionate songs, the dancer Carmen Torres came onto the stage.
Along with the fabulous guitar playing and singing came a stunning display of passionate, energetic, sensual flamenco dance that was admired, appreciated and applauded by all watching.

Absolutely stunning.

After a short break, the group returned in different costume for their final performance.

Boy, am I glad that I didn't miss this. Fantastic. A short video below hopefully shows more of the fantastic performers.
A short video of part of the magical performance.


  1. What a fabulous event and a gorgeous performance.

  2. Hi Alan,
    just bumped in to this nice post as many on your blog!
    A question do you know of places around here where on a regular basis flamenco performances are held. We have guests that would like to see those.
    Thanks and kind regards tot the both of you.
    Miranda and Hans
