
Thursday 8 December 2011

A wander in wind turbine country

A short drive out this morning to the pueblo of Almargen, about 25kms east of Olvera on the main A-384 road. It wasn't my intention to visit the pueblo but to explore a minor road I'd seen behind the Venta El Coto on the edge of town.
Turning off the main road, after a short while I came across the unusual site of these two disused railway carriages parked on what appeared to be waste ground with no obvious evidence of railway tracks nearby.
On another lovely day with a temperature of about 15°C, I passed by several ruins of what at one time must have been grand buildings.

A familiar site in our area and throughout the province of Cadiz are the many wind turbine parks, more of which seem to be appearing all the time. It was reported that on November 6th 2011, 59% of the total power generated in Spain was generated by wind power.

One of the unusual aspects of driving here in Spain is the change of road designation, particularly on minor roads, when a road passes from one province into another. I started out in Malaga province on the MA-6407 but upon crossing into Sevilla the same road became the SE-9221 below.

A pleasant trip out in the peace of the countryside ended with me following this goatherd for a short while as they wandered to pastures new.

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