
Monday 17 October 2011

Los veterinarios y las vistas

Vets and views this morning. We drove the short distance to the nearby pueblo of Algodonales to renew Calcetines's bi-monthly flea protection treatment at the veterinary practice there.
A lovely morning, some cloud around but temperatures still pleasant at about 26°C.

After our short visit to the vets, we sat for a coffee in the busy plaza nearby.

These pigeons were enjoying a bath in the water at the base of a tree across the road.

Looking up to the peak of the Sierra de Lijar that dominates the town, a popular jump off point for the many hang and para gliding enthusiasts that come to this area.

Driving home on the A-384, we stopped off at the km65 marker to take in what I think is one of the best views of Olvera.

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