
Thursday 1 September 2011

La última noche de la Feria

Last night was the final night of the annual fair in Olvera. So at just past midnight we wandered down to the feria ground to enjoy the final hours. As always, some of the lovely ladies and their beautiful dresses were on show.

Samba band "Batukada Hojalatasamba" paraded down the fairground before their performance on stage at the Caseta Municipal later.

One attraction at the fairground we hadn't seen before was this water activity. Oh to be young and fearless!!.

More lovely ladies.

Waiting for the firework display was hungry work so we sat down for some delicious churros, a lightly fried pastry snack dipped into a chocolate sauce.

Just outside the main entrance the Fire & Rescue Services (Bomberos), along with the Police and volunteers of the Protección Civil were on standby.

The Feria officially ended at 3am with the traditional firework display that lasted for just under ten minutes. Here, just a few pictures and below an edited video of the fantastic display.

Feria de Olvera 2011 fuegos artificiales.

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