
Monday 12 September 2011

Cortijo El Guarda

Today, we drove the short distance to the nearby pueblo of Alcalá del Valle to take up a longstanding invitation for coffee with Hans and Miranda, whom I had the pleasure of meeting in June at the Convento de Caños Santos (see previous post here).

The view of Alcalá del Valle nestling in the valley.

Hans and Miranda have restored this 500 year old cortijo into a stunningly beautiful home with seperate accommodation for guests.
My pictures in no way do justice to the fabulous restoration work and tasteful decoration within but more pictures and information can be found on their website here.

Miranda's lovely dog Sam.

The wooden ceilings and beams are a feature of the beautifully restored interiors.

The courtyard, viewed from the cool shade of the upstairs sitting area.

We sat for a while, enjoying each others company and just chatting over a delicious cappuccino coffee prepared by Hans.
Sam joined in too.

Before we knew it, an enjoyable few hours had passed by and it was time to part company.
A lovely, friendly couple. We wish Hans and Miranda every success in their new venture and their life here in Andalucia.

It was great to meet up again and hopefully we'll do it again in the not too distant future.

The view looking back at the cortijo in its peaceful and tranquil location amidst the olive groves.

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