The following schedule of events and processions for Holy Week has been issued by the Ayuntamiento and may be of interest to both residents and visitors alike. As always, please check the link above for procession routes and accuracy of timings. As follows:
Sunday 17th April at 10.30am in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. The blessing of the palms and olive branches before proceeding to the Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de la Encarnación.
Monday 18th April commencing at 20.00hrs. The Procesión de El Cautivo (The Captive), leaving from the Iglesia del Socorro.
Tuesday 19th April commencing at 23.00hrs. The Procesión de la Penitencia, a silent procession through Olvera leaving from the Plaza de la Iglesia.
Wednesday 20th April commencing at 22.00hrs. The Procesión Via Crucis Cristo del Amor, leaving from the school at the rear of the Guardia Civil building.
Thursday 21st April at 06.00hrs. The Procesión Jesús Nazareno, departing from the Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de la Encarnación in the Plaza de la Iglesia.
Thursday 21st April at 19.00hrs. The Procesión Santísimo Sacramento, leaving from the Plaza de la Iglesia.
Thursday 21st April at 20.30hrs. The Procesión de la Vera-Cruz, leaving from the Plaza de la Iglesia.
Friday 22nd April at 20.30hrs. The Procesión del Santo Entierro, leaving from the Iglesia in the Plaza de la Iglesia.
The Holy Week events and Processions in Olvera have been declared to be of National Tourist Interest in Andalucia. They are worth seeing if only to appreciate the devotion and dedication of the participants, not least their incredible strength, as they parade through the streets of Olvera carrying the extremely heavy "pasos" (floats) on their shoulders for periods of up to twelve hours.
Hi Janet (Strobel). I regret I am unable to respond personally to you as I have not retained your email address and your blog comment requesting info about the Good Friday procession route contains personal info about your time of arrival and address so I was unwilling to publish it as a blog comment. However the route of the procession is as follows so I hope this is helpful.Día 22 de abril. Viernes Santo. Procesión del Santo Entierro. Salida 20:30 horas de la Iglesia Mayor Parroquial. Itinerario: Plaza de la Iglesia, Calzada, Llana, Pico, Mercado, Calvario, El Gastor, Encarnación, Fuente Nueva, Plaza de la Concordia, Calvario, Victoria, Llana, Calzada y Plaza de la Iglesia.