
Saturday 30 April 2011


On a day when it seemed the whole world was watching a wedding in England and in an attempt to avoid the saturation coverage on TV, I drove to Pedrera in the province of Sevilla, about 73kms and 90 minutes drive to the northeast of Olvera.

I had read in the online newspaper "Noticiario Centro de Andalucia" that preparations were being undertaken for a floral balcony and patio competition.

I parked the car quite easily and without the aid of a map just wandered around the very pleasant streets.
The floral decorations were very colourful and obviously a lot of effort had been put in.

Continuing my stroll, I came to the Plaza Guzman y Andres and the 16th century Iglesia Parroquial de San Sebastián, again surrounded by beautiful floral decorations.

The Ayuntamiento, where I should have asked for a local map but didn't.

Not too far from the Ayuntamiento was the 18th century Ermita del Santo Cristo de La Sangre (Holy Christ of the Blood).

Clearly, I have not done Pedrera justice but what I did see was a very pleasant, cared for pueblo, certainly worth a visit during the floral competition which presumably takes place sometime in May.

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