
Tuesday 8 March 2011

Pasacalles de las escuelas - Parade of schools

Carnaval is for all and this was clearly demonstrated today by the parades of students from the schools of Gloria Fuertes, Miguel de Cervantes and San José de Calasanz, all eventually meeting up at the Recinto Ferial (Fairground) for an evening of fun, music and games.

We walked down to the Colegio José de Calasanz, arriving at about 4pm, just in time to watch the start of the parade. As always there was tremendous enthusiasm amongst the participants and great community support from the people of Olvera.

No apologies for the number of pictures. So much time and effort had obviously been put into the costumes that it would be a shame not to show as many as possible.

We followed the parade to the Plaza de la Concordia before heading home.
Returning up Calle Llana, another procession was heading towards me preceded by a truck billowing clouds of smoke.

I'm not sure which school these children were from but the fun and support was just as enthusiastic and equally fantastic costumes were on show.

I love Carnaval. Of all the fiestas throughout the year, Carnaval in my opinion displays all that is best about Olvera. The involvement of all ages and the enthusiasm and fun of all concerned, despite hard economic times here in Spain, is a tremendous credit to the lovely people of Olvera. Long may it continue.

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