
Sunday 27 February 2011

Peñóns and parks

On a beautiful Sunday morning with temperatures of about 17 degrees C, it was lovely to stroll around in the warm sunshine.
Here the view at Plaza Alfarería.
Walking back up Calle Victoria, I turned off and climbed the steps leading to the park area on the Penón del Cerretillo.
Since my last visit, the plants and wild flowers have covered the previously bare ground.
A lovely quiet spot just to sit and admire the scenery.

After sitting for a while, I moved on to the Plaza de Andalucia and was pleased to notice that the park on the Penón del Sagrado Corazón was open after several months of restoration work. The bird aviary has been completely rebuilt although access to view the birds is a little limited.

The views from the top of the penón are worth the climb up.

The Monumento al Sagrado Corazón (Monument to the Sacred Heart) dominates the park and looks far better now that it has been cleaned and restored.

The viewing platform has also been restored and repainted.

A good view looking down upon the new play and viewing area being constructed on Vereda Ancha.

Returning home and passing by the Ayuntamiento, the balcony decorated for tomorrow's Andalucia Day celebrations.

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