
Monday 21 February 2011

El Castillo del Hierro

Pruna castle - the Iron Castle, here pictured from a previous post, has long been a mission to climb. And today was the day.

Together with friend Dan, we parked the car at the fresh water spring at the bottom of the hill and proceeded to climb upwards on the well laid out path.

There were several benches along the way on which to take a breather and sit and admire the views before arriving at the first viewpoint platform.

The views to Olvera.

Continuing upwards, we came across this picnic area with benches and tables.

Not far to go now. Time to stop for yet another breather.

Above our heads vultures were flying quite low so best not to stop for too long.

The vistas from the top were stunning.

Looking down upon the pueblo of Pruna.

And here, the view north.

Within the last year, the castle has been restored, allowing safe entry into the building and up to the top of the tower.

Looking down upon the olive groves.

For the views alone, the trek up to the top is well worth it. Not being the fittest person in the world, it took me approximately 45 minutes, stopping quite a few times along the way, sitting to admire the wonderful views on several of the many well placed benches along the way.

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