
Thursday 20 January 2011

On top of the world.....

........well, on the top of Olvera at least. The very best place to see the stunning scenery that surrounds Olvera is from within the walls of the 12th century castle that dominates the town.

The stunning 360 degree views are best seen from the top of the main keep in the centre of the picture, accessible from the restored room pictured below.

I rather surprised myself by climbing to the top of the keep.

On my last attempt two years ago, I found the steep, narrow and winding stairway quite claustrophobic, resulting in a mild panic attack at the top. This time however, deep breath's and a strong grip on the hand rail resulted in success.

Looking down upon the Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

The magnificent Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación, that has recently been re-opened after a seven year restoration following a fire in 2004.

Looking down upon Calle Bellavista on the left and Calle Mercado on the right.
The weather continues to stay fine, with temperatures I would estimate at about 13°C.

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