
Friday 5 November 2010

Vista panoramica

I'm having a bit of fun at the moment playing with a new programme that produces panoramic pictures and what better than to show the scenery around Olvera. The above view is to the west and below looking to the east.
If you wish to enhance your viewing experience, click on the picture(s) to enlarge them and better experience where we are lucky enough to live.
Today though has been another lovely day with temperatures at about 20°C so at about 4pm this afternoon we walked a slightly different route around the castle.

Still fabulous clear blue skies although the temperatures are forecast to drop in a few days time.
I hope I'm not tempting fate but it was about this time last year that the rains started and it didn't stop for near on three months.

The viewing area at the front of the Church.

Looking up Calle Calzada.

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