
Saturday 20 November 2010

La familia de Calcetines

Just a few pics taken while out for a walk with Calcetines this morning at about 8.30am, on a gloomy and overcast day.
The rain clouds were sweeping over the distant Sierra de Lijar to the west.

This lovely chap was walking his mule down the road accompanied by his two podenco dogs.
He stopped for a chat, saying that Calcetines was a part of the family as the dog pictured here was her grandmother. There was a definite similarity in the colouring and the distinctive "white socks" on all four paws.
Anne has met them often before but no mention has ever been made of the family connection so quite a surprise.

After a while he continued on his way.

Despite the conditions, the traders at the Saturday market were setting up their stalls.

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