
Tuesday 26 October 2010

Chocolate heaven

On a beautiful day, we drove the 45 minutes south to the city of Ronda, a place we always enjoy visiting.
For a while now, I have been thinking about buying a new compact digital camera and we thought Ronda would have a good selection.
So, arriving at about 10am, we parked in the underground car park and walked down the main pedestrianised shopping street, Carrera de Espinel, or as it's more commonly referred to "Calle La Bola", looking for a photographic shop.

Temperatures in the shade were a cool 16°C so a warm cafe was very inviting. By chance, we were passing Sven's Chocolate and Coffee shop and what a delight it was inside.

We ordered coffee and mollete (toasted bun) for under €2 each and just sat and looked around us at the decor and the decadent goodies on offer.

Beautiful hand made chocolates, all types of flavours, plus a delicious selection of cakes, pastries and tarts.

The huge variety of teas on offer, together with a selection of coffee beans, all available on the menu. After purchasing a selection box of chocolates, we headed off in search of camera's.

The view of a busy Calle La Bola.

The Plaza del Socorro.
A good sign in these days of economic crisis, is that tourists are still visiting. We witnessed a couple of tour guides showing visitors around.
Oh and yes, I did get a new camera so if there are no updates on the blog for a couple of days or so, it's because I'm attempting to absorb a lengthy manual and trying to find out which buttons do what....... in between eating delicious chocolates of course.

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