
Monday 18 October 2010

Adoring fans....

Following Calcetines success at the weekend, we came back down to earth with a stroll at about 4pm this afternoon. Enjoying the warm temperatures of about 25°C, a few pictures of the views around.

Here and above, looking west to the Sierra de Lijar.
"Isn't that Calcetines. Didn't she win best female rescue dog in Andalucia at the weekend", said the guardians of the pigs at the end of the road.

"Nah. I heard best rescue dog in the whole of Spain"

"Go girl go. Podenco's rule OK".

The building housing the indoor market on the ground floor and the Oficina de Empleo above on Calle Mercado.

Looking up to the castle.

The view up Calle Pico.

"C'mon mum, my fans are waiting!!"

"Look mum, there she is. Calcetines, best rescue dog in the whole of Europe. One day, someone will rescue us and we'll be safe and famous as well", said the two abandoned stray dogs that are roaming the streets of Olvera at the moment.
"Calcetines, I'm up here", said Nelson from Bar Pepe Rayas. "Congratulations on your world title win at the weekend. If you need a bodyguard, I'm your man".

We sat for a while at Pepe Rayas and had a beer with our friend Russ, before heading back home with our pampered pooch.

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