
Wednesday 15 September 2010

Nature and Art

A beautiful, late summer day, 38°C and hardly a cloud in the sky.
We drove south of Olvera for about thirty minutes to the picturesque village of Grazalema, primarily to visit an art exhibition but also to take in the stunning scenery along the route.

The village nestles in the natural park area known as the Sierra de Grazalema and is a popular destination for tourists and walkers alike.

We found the impressive exhibition of artwork being displayed by members of ArtistAndalucia in the Grazalema Tourist Office.

Not part of the exhibit, although impressive in their own right, were these squash plants, the results of a competition amongst local residents. Apparently, this coming Sunday, some of these will be turned into delicacies for the enjoyment of visitors attending the exhibition.

Leaving the centre we stopped off at one of the many bars for a drink before heading back to Olvera.

The mountain road between Grazalema and Zahara de la Sierra offers some of the most dramatic and stunning scenery in the whole of Andalucia, a route we never get tired of driving along.

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