
Friday 24 September 2010

Autumn arrives

With autumn officially starting yesterday and a mild autumn predicted, temperatures have dropped slightly over the past few days to just above the mid twenties centigrade, still very pleasant for a stroll around. Here, looking up Calle Tafetanes.
So today, a few pictures of blue skies and wispy clouds on our walk around the block at 4pm this afternoon. Calle San Ildefonso.
Walking down Calle Moron and below looking back up.

Calle Socorro and below the natural spring on Vereda Junco, not fit for human consumption but regularly used by horses and cattle.

The old road west out of Olvera.

Looking up to the Iglesia.

The views to the south......

...and to the west.

Personally, I think this is the best viewpoint in Olvera, offering stunning views to the south and west.

Looking up Calle Cruz.

Calle Salada.

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