
Tuesday 3 August 2010

Petanca presentations

A spur of the moment decision this evening saw us walking down town to the Bar El Parque for tapas.

The view of the castle at about eight this evening.

What we didn't know was that tonight was the trophy presentation evening for the winners and runners-up of the seniors Petanca competition, a game that originated in France as boules.

Quite a few people that we knew were present or collecting trophies.

Here, our lovely friend Jerónimo on the right, collecting his winners trophy with his doubles partner.

Jerónimo with his prize.

The park is well maintained and an obvious meeting place for old and young alike.

We headed back at about 9.45pm after a delicious tapas and a pleasant evening amongst friends.

Pictured here is the fountain on the Plaza de la Concordia.

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