
Saturday 3 April 2010

Procesión del Santo Entierro (Holy Burial)

Tonight, we saw the last of the Semana Santa processions, depicting the burial of Christ.
This procession, the most sombre of all, mourns the death of Christ and all who participate are dressed in black.

The heavy paso carrying the body of Christ was again supported by about sixty costaleros on it's six or seven hour parade through the streets of Olvera.

The "Ladies in Mourning", wearing traditional black dresses and lace mantles (La Mantilla) in their hair, all holding rosary beads..

The second paso in the procession was that of the Blessed Virgin Mother.

It was also good to see, I think for the first time this week, the Band of Olvera playing in the procession.
Once again, an amazing week of passion, dedication, strength and skill by all who participated came to an end, with every procession attended by a large and appreciative audience.

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