
Tuesday, 9 March 2010

La Puebla de Cazalla

The weather forecast today was for a fine, sunny day so at the first sight of a bit of yellow in the sky we were off, heading towards La Puebla de Cazalla, a fairly large town of approximately 11,000 inhabitants north of Olvera.
After a drive of about an hour or so we arrived. Following the signs for the Ayuntamiento, pictured above, we managed to park nearby before starting our exploration. A very helpful chap in the Town Hall kindly gave us a street map and pointed us in the direction of the tourist office.

The Plaza de Andalucia was re-modelled to become a public square in 1983.

Storks were in residence on the roof.

Walking around, it was noticeable how well kept and preserved many of the buildings were. This one is the Casa de Lola Lucena, early 20th century home of a singer of the same name.

The 14th century Parroquia Nuestra Señora de las Virtudes in the very pleasant Plaza Vieja, where incidentally the tourist office is located.

The town was nice and flat so strolling around the cobbled streets was quite pleasant.

One of the many fountains in town.

The Plaza de la Revolución, one of several plazas we came across.

The Plaza Francisco Moreno Galván.
The marble monument to Francisco Moreno Galván (1925-1999), a poet, painter and lyricist of flamenco music, born in La Puebla de Cazalla. Many of his verses are carved into the plinth.

The Paseo Francisco Bohórquez, a park area also used for the market, fiestas and the annual Feria.

We stopped off for a coffee at the Bar Restaurante Benitez, one of the many bars we passed, sitting outside enjoying the overdue warmth of the sun.
Not too far away was the Convento de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, founded in 1550. Unfortunately, the doors were closed.

Just outside the Convent are these three crosses atop marble plinths in an enclosed area surrounded by potted plants.

Undoubtedly, we haven't done this busy town justice on this visit as there were several more places of interest that we didn't get to. It would be nice to get back one day and have another look, particularly if the Churches are open.

Driving back via the SE-8205 towards Villanueva de San Juan, we were stopped in our tracks by this lovely "Mastine" dog, not much more than a puppy, shepherding it's flock of goats across the road. Its master was nowhere in sight.
They are beautiful dogs and this one was wagging its back end, so happy to see us.

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