
Thursday 7 January 2010

Not more rain.....!!

After a couple of reasonably rain free days, last night the rain came back with a vengeance and has carried on throughout this morning.
So not so much a post of views of Olvera today, more of a weather report.
I wandered down to the library to have a look at the expanding range of english language books before popping to the post office to send a long overdue letter to friends in the UK.
Pictured above and below are the "views" from outside the library. Not a lot to see though as the cloud level is so low.

The short walk to the post office proved disastrous for my umbrella;a short gust of wind from a side street bending a couple of the struts inside out. Never mind, it's still just about useable but will no doubt shortly join the many others that have been discarded in the atrocious weather we've had over the past few weeks.
Here, the view towards the castle in the mist whilst sheltering from the elements outside the post office.
Oh, for those sunny days when we jumped in the car for a trip out somewhere. They'll be back soon though.

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