
Saturday 30 January 2010


We drove out today to the village of Carratraca, located just off the A-357 Campillos- Malaga road, about 65kms and an hour or so's drive east of Olvera.
The village is historically famous for it's sulphurous and healing spa waters that have been flowing from Roman times to the present day.

It must be good stuff. These people however were filling their bottles with normal spring water.

Not far from the water outlet is the impressive Ayuntamiento (Town Hall) with fantastic views across the valley.

The tower to the left of the Ayuntamiento is now the Tourist Office but unfortunately today it was closed.

Carratraca has recently had some local political turmoil with the mayor and other dignitaries resigning their positions in protest at the proposals by the Junta de Andalucia to demolish illegal buildings in the area. Numerous banners and posters were displayed throughout the village supporting the mayor's position.

The thermal spa facilities are now located in this building, the "Hotel Villa Padierna", a 19th century building constructed over the site of the original waters.

We continued our stroll around the pretty village, saying hello to the friendly inhabitants and noticing the number of plantpots decorating many of the houses. Most were not in flower yet but it would definately be worth coming back in spring or summer for what would no doubt be a very colourful display.

After a short while we came upon the Iglesia de la Virgen de la Salud (The Church of our Lady of Health), the patron of the village who helped the sick people who came for the curing waters.
We were standing outside when a lady noticed us and unprompted popped into a house and emerged with the key to the front door. As we said previously, very friendly people here.

The current Church was the result of reformations carried out in 1802 and again in 1880 and as always was immaculate and beautiful inside.

The streets of the village were very narrow and sometimes quite steep.

The Plaza de la Constitución, centre of the village.

The Hostal de Principe, one of the largest buildings in the village, was originally an inn but now a hotel, built in 1830 on the orders of the spanish King Fernando VII and apparently has its own connecting corridor to the spa baths.

On the outskirts of the village is the Plaza de Torros, the Bull Ring, constructed in the 19th century and partly dug into the rockface, now the setting for an annual passion play performed on Good Friday and Easter Sunday by the local people and also used for other concerts and fiestas.

We liked Carratraca. A very pretty and friendly pueblo, definately worth another visit in the warmer weather when the numerous pots and plants will be in full bloom.

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