
Sunday 6 December 2009

La Fiesta de la Constitución Española

Today is a national holiday in Spain, celebrating the day in 1978 when the Spanish Constitution was approved after a national referendum and represents the transition to democracy after the years of Franco's dictatorship.
So, on a lovely crisp, sunny morning with temperatures at about 8°C I had a wander around the top of town taking in the views.
The steps leading up Calle Portillo to Calle Barriete.

Just experimenting with some black and white pics for a change. Thought they looked OK so I might try a few more in future.
Pictured right is the view up Calle Carnero.

Calle Barriete, currently undergoing some partial renovations which will no doubt enhance the area.

Some more steps up through the lovely Calle Resolana.

The Plaza de la Iglesia.

At 9.30'ish this morning, the sun was still quite low in the sky but the view from the front of the Iglesia is always spectacular whatever the weather.

Another bit of experimentation !.

After stopping off at friend Gerry's for a coffee, I carried on with a stroll down through the Plaza de Andalucia. The view taken from the park above and below looking up to the "Monumento al Sagrado Corazón".

The Christmas lights are now going up throughout town so perhaps we'll take a wander this evening to have a look at them when they are lit.

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