
Thursday 24 December 2009

Christmas eve and all's well......nearly !!

In a break between the rain and gale force winds we have been having all week, we took a short walk out with Calcetines today at 4pm.
Although it has been really miserable, the temperature today is still at a fairly reasonable 14°C.
Look...a bit of blue sky.

The winds were strong enough to split this telegraph pole in two.
These views are looking towards the east.

Looking west towards Zaframagon.

We were walking past the library and these two guys were practising their guitar playing on a bench in the Plaza outside and were happy to pose for a picture.

Walking back up Calle Victoria towards home and below Calle Llana.

Looking across to Pruna from Calle Bellavista.

Just as we got home and as I write this, the rain is hammering down again outside, interspersed with outbreaks of thunder.
Power cuts are frequent and our water is off at the moment but when you come across a couple of chaps, smiling and happily playing music on a wet bench on a miserable day, you know you're in the right place.
Feliz Navidad.

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