
Tuesday 13 October 2009

Vultures everywhere....!!

After visiting Almargen, we arrived on the outskirts of Cañete La Real and couldn't help but notice the mass of vultures in the skies above us, more than we'd ever seen in one place before.
We turned off the main road, driving down a short dirt track to be met by the amazing sight of vultures feeding on the ground.

We stopped and watched the feeding frenzy from the safety of the car. I did ask Anne to nip out so I could get an estimate of their size but she not so politely declined.......don't know why !!.
In the absence of any measuring tool, I would estimate their wing spans at about two metres.

Anyway, enough waffling suffice to say that it was one of the most amazing sights I have witnessed since coming here to live.
Not much else to say really but hopefully you'll enjoy the pictures. To enlarge, just left click on the image and be very, very scared !!!.

After you. No after you. No, after you, I insist !!.

We hoped these weren't the remains of the last visitors.

The village of Cañete close by but due to the fantastic scene above and around us, we never actually got there. Another day soon though.

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