
Tuesday 29 September 2009

Sunshine and showers....

Weatherwise at the moment, it's quite unsettled. For the past few days it has started off being bright and sunny but by the afternoon becoming quite gloomy and overcast. Today was no exception.

We left the house at about 11.30, after our usual Tuesday spanish lesson from José and headed down town for a few bits and bobs from the shops.

Here's another little ray of sunshine, Rosa, whose father (unknown to us), upon seeing the camera called us over and asked us to take a photo of his daughter, which of course we were pleased to do.
As we walked down Calle de la Encarnación, the clouds were beginning to gather although temperatures were still in the pleasant mid twenties.

A very welcome addition to the streets of Olvera since the beginning of September is this minibus, that runs a regular route through town on a stop me and get on basis.
Olvera does'nt have a regular bus or taxi service so this is a real bonus to the elderly (and not so elderly) residents, particularly those living at the top of town, who need to access services and facilities lower down.

Talking of elderly, pictured right is a regular stopping off point for us on the uphill trek home, the Plaza de Andalucía.

We arrived home at about 1 pm with the skies getting darker and it wasn't too long before we had a short shower.

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