
Friday 28 August 2009

Midnight in the Plaza

A rare but pleasant event last night was to look up from the terrace and see the Church and Castle illuminated. Most of last year and certainly the year before last, they were lit up every weekend but we think that due to "La Crisis" the Ayuntamiento has severely cut back on lighting costs. However, as this is Feria week, we were pleased to see the lights on again.
So, not to miss a rare opportunity, I walked up to the Plaza de la Iglesia at midnight to take few pics.

Tonight will be our first visit to the Feria that officially opened last night with a procession by the Olvera Town Band and a Flamenco concert, although there have been quite a few concerts and dances going on during this week.
We'll head out about 11'ish and are looking forward to seeing it in the new location at the "Recinto Ferial" (fairground).
More pics to come tomorrow.....sometime !!.

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