
Saturday 1 August 2009

The Godfrey family

It was a pleasure as always, to meet up this morning with our lovely friends Kathie, John and Amy for coffee and tostada's at the Platero bar and restaurant here in Olvera.

Platero is also a horse riding centre and it was a bonus to find that another good friend of ours Leo was working in the stables. He invited us in to have a look at all the horses, which was a particular delight for Amy, who has a passion for them.

This is Rafael, who was busy helping Leo at work.

Staying with John and Kathie for the last couple of weeks are their grandchildren, Garth pictured here with Leo, and Aidan together with their friend Callum.

After about an hour, we moved down the road to the Estación de Olvera, primarily to enquire about cycle hire along the Via Verde. Unfortunately, it appears that all of the bikes are in for repair and maintenance at the moment and will not be available for quite a while.
So, what else to do but sit and chat over more refreshments.
It's a hard life !!!.

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