
Tuesday 14 July 2009

A wander around

While Anne went off to the hairdresser's this morning, I wandered up through the old town taking a few pictures along the way before meeting up again later.
A lovely sunny day, temperatures about 30°C with a slight breeze, so quite pleasant for a stroll around.

I wandered into "La Cilla", the courtyard off the Plaza de la Iglesia that houses the tourist office, museum and Via Verde exhibition and took these few pictures from the walls.

Looking down upon the town cemetery.

The view across Olvera with the umbrella's of Bar Pepe Rayas in the foreground.

It was good to see that repair and restoration work was still ongoing at the Iglesia Arciprestal de Nuestra Senora de la Encarnacíón, the iconic Church that is visible from miles around in any direction.

The Plaza de la Iglesia.

Looking back up Calle Llana.

Looking across the Parque Jardines de la Victoria at the castle.

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