
Sunday, 26 July 2009

Verbena del Socorro

What a great night. On a very warm evening, the local community came together in the Plaza del Socorro for a fiesta of music, dance and games enjoyed by everyone, young and not so young.

There were quite a few organised events for the youngsters who enthusiastically got involved.

The tug of war event was well supported.

The terrific band "El Trio Musical" who played throughout the evening.

Our near neighbour and her daughter doing well on the string blocks.

The well supported bar area. Free bread, chorizo sausages and chicharrones were also on offer during the night.

José, in the orange and his friend Antonio were happy to pose for a picture.

Undoubtedly though, the highlight of the evening was the attempt to climb a pole (cucaña) soaked in olive oil, to retrieve an envelope at the top containing 100€.

Prior to and during the attempt, chalk was thrown onto the pole to enable the team of six guys to gain some sort of grip.

Cheered on by the crowd, it took a huge effort for the lad on top, supported by his mates, to scramble up the greasy pole.

No it's not snowing but I think I was the only one daft enough to stand downwind of all the chalk dust flying around.

After a tremendous team effort, the top was reached and the prize won.

As I said at the beginning of the post, a fantastic evening as always. With the party breaking up at about 1.30 pm, we headed up the hill to home.

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